Alloys CuBe2 : Alloy 25 – Alloy 190 – Alloy 290

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Copper-beryllium alloys with about 2% beryllium cover a wide range of mechanical properties, from an unaged and ductile condition to aged conditions with high strengths in the range of hardened steels. Alloy 25, 190 and 290 strips have the same chemistry but differ in their cold working and heat treatment conditions. These alloys are manufactured and processed by Materion in the USA.

Stainless has a range of sizes and grades in stock to suit your application needs. This product can also be custom made after slitting by our service centre.

Main applications

These copper alloys have very good corrosion resistance, low coefficients of friction and very high hardness for copper alloys. They are explosion-proof (no sparking), seizure-proof and can be heated up to about 250°C.

Connections: electrical contacts, relays.


Alloy 25 is supplied in the annealed or annealed and tempered condition. The ageing heat treatment is carried out after forming. Alloys 190 and 290 are pre-treated at the factory and do not require heat treatment. Alloy 290 has a higher formability than alloy 190.


Machinability Bars
Beryllium is a chemical element, which can present health risks when inhaled, especially in the form of fine dust. Special precautions must be taken during processing which leads to the production of dust. Grinding should be carried out under heavy watering and welding (not recommended) should be carried out under effective suction. Welding is not recommended.

Heat treatments
Products supplied in the solution treated condition (A condition) or in the solution treated then cold worked condition (1/4H, 1/2H, 3/4H, H condition) can be heat treated at 315°C +/-5°C for a minimum of 2 hours in order to obtain the maximum hardness. Alloys 190 and 290 are already aged and can be used without additional heat treatment.

Corrosion resistance

Alloys 25, 190 and 290 are highly resistant to corrosion in marine environments. Hydrochloric and sulphuric acids can accelerate corrosion in the presence of oxidising impurities.

Standard Sizes

Strips: thicknesses and widths depending on available stock or on manufacture.


Copper Beryllium

ST25 – Cuivre-béryllium
STM25 – alliage M25
ST190 – alliage 190

ST60 – alliage 60

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